
Go Nedap

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Go Nedap

#####Instructions 1. Get the latest release 2. Get the gogui JAR and make sure it’s available on the path. 3. Compile, e.g. with IntelliJ IDEA and JDK 1.8 4. Fire up a terminal or run from IDEA: - - net.Server.main(), then a number of net.Client.main() - Pay attention to the console: a number of input arguments is required for both server and client, which is printed to System.out if incorrect syntax is used - The default Server host is localhost 5. Let’s GO!

#####Development status - The TUI is functional, but not entirely implemented. You’ll find only the two player menu works. - The GUI can be enabled through the TUI, as the GUI only acts as a view of the Go board and the TUI handles the rest of the UI. - The client and server don’t achieve much (in fact, nothing), but they can be run while inspecting/debugging the code to see that they run fine.